Public Charities and Private Foundations

CPA Services for Public Charities and Private Foundations

Real Estate CPA Services Tailored for Investors, Developers, and Brokers

Managing a real estate business requires expert financial guidance. Our CPA team specializes in delivering tax strategies and accounting services tailored to the needs of real estate professionals across the U.S. Whether you’re a developer, investor, broker, or contractor, we offer comprehensive financial solutions to support your growth and maximize profitability.

  • 1031 Exchanges & Opportunity Zones: Maximize tax deferral and reinvestment strategies.
  • Tax Planning & Preparation: Proactive strategies to reduce liabilities and optimize returns.
  • Cost Segregation Studies: Accelerate depreciation for real estate investments.
  • Loan Underwriting Assistance: Expert guidance for securing favorable financing.
  • Estate & Trust Planning: Protect and grow your real estate portfolio for future generations.

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Comprehensive Financial Solutions for Public Charities and Private Foundations

Managing the financial health and compliance of a nonprofit requires more than just accounting—it’s about ensuring accountability, financial transparency, and alignment with regulatory standards like GAAP and FASB for nonprofit organizations. We specialize in providing tailored CPA services that address the unique challenges faced by public charities and private foundations, ensuring your mission thrives while maintaining fiscal responsibility.

Board Governance & Fiduciary Responsibility

As a board member, you hold fiduciary responsibility, ensuring the proper stewardship of your nonprofit’s resources. We provide governance training that empowers your board to manage revenue streams, approve expenditures, and oversee financial risk effectively. Linked Accounting helps your board meet its obligations by enhancing their understanding of key areas such as restricted and unrestricted funds, internal controls, and adherence to the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act (UPMIFA).

Recruiting & Training Financial Leadership

The nonprofit financial environment demands a finance director well-versed in IRS Form 990, the Statement of Financial Position, and the Statement of Activities. We assist your organization in hiring and onboarding finance leaders who understand restricted grants, in-kind contributions, and cost allocations. Our training also covers fund accounting principles, helping your finance team stay aligned with both donor expectations and GAAP.

Audit & Assurance Services

An external audit provides critical assurance that your financial statements are accurate, compliant, and follow nonprofit accounting standards as defined by FASB. Our audit services help ensure transparency in areas such as the recognition of conditional and unconditional contributions, classification of net assets, and compliance with federal grant auditing under the Uniform Guidance (formerly A-133 audits). We deliver thorough audits that give your board, donors, and grantors confidence in your financial integrity.

Tax Compliance & Strategy

Your organization’s Form 990 is not just a tax filing—it’s a public document that communicates your nonprofit’s financial stewardship and impact. Linked Accounting ensures accurate completion of your 990, including Schedule A (Public Charity Status), Schedule B (Contributors), and Schedule G (Fundraising Events). We also offer strategic tax guidance on unrelated business income (UBI), charitable gift acceptance policies, and maintaining your 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status under IRS regulations.

Accounting Systems & Internal Controls

A strong accounting system for nonprofits goes beyond software; it requires effective internal controls, segregation of duties, and efficient workflows. We help design accounting systems that facilitate accurate tracking of grants, program service expenses, and administrative overhead. Linked Accounting trains your team to implement proper controls, ensuring compliance with both GAAP and nonprofit-specific regulations like the Financial Accounting Standards Board’s (FASB) Accounting Standards Update (ASU) 2016-14.

Our goal is to provide tailored financial solutions that strengthen the financial health and transparency of your nonprofit organization. From board governance and audit services to strategic tax compliance, we help you build donor confidence and financial integrity at every level.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the role of Form 990 for public charities and private foundations, and why is it important?
How can restricted and unrestricted funds impact financial reporting?
What are the key considerations for a nonprofit undergoing a financial audit?
How does unrelated business income (UBI) affect tax-exempt status, and how can it be managed?
What is the difference between a financial audit and a review, and when should a nonprofit choose one over the other?
How can nonprofits improve internal controls to reduce financial risk?
How should public charities and private foundations approach investment management for endowments?
What are the implications of failing to meet public support test requirements for public charities?
How can nonprofits optimize tax-exempt bonds for capital projects?

Additional Industries

Accounting Strategies for the Child Care Industry

Brian Van Camp, CPA, MTax

Managing Partner, Director of Tax Strategy

Brian’s passion for developing and implementing business and tax strategies has been instrumental to many businesses and individuals during his tenure at Linked Accounting. Business owners regularly seek out his advice on tax planning and audit matters, commercial lending, and business acquisition and sale transactions. When new tax laws are passed, you can be certain Brian will have read the law and developed tax strategies to help our clients make good use of new provisions of the Tax Code.

Laura Weston

Partner, Audit

Laura Weston, CPA, brings over 20 years of audit and business advisory experience, including roles as a controller for both a manufacturing and a real estate investment company. She specializes in serving clients across various industries, including real estate, manufacturing, franchising, ERISA, and not-for-profit organizations. Laura also provides litigation support, helps strengthen internal control policies and procedures, and conducts due diligence for acquisitions and sales. Laura holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration from Utah State University and is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. She is licensed as a CPA in both Utah and Hawaii. Outside of work, Laura enjoys traveling and spending time outdoors with her husband and two children.

Public Charities and Private Foundations

Why Choose Us?

We understand the importance of consistency, accessibility, and expertise when it comes to managing the financial needs of nonprofits. Our team provides the specialized attention your organization deserves, ensuring you have reliable and knowledgeable partners guiding you every step of the way.

  • Consistency: With zero turnover in the past 6 years, you’ll work with the same trusted professionals who understand your organization and its goals, providing long-term stability in your financial engagements.
  • Accessibility: Our team prides itself on being highly responsive. According to client surveys, 84% of inquiries are answered within 24 hours, ensuring you get the support you need when you need it.
  • Experience: Our leadership has extensive experience serving on nonprofit boards and handling the unique tax and accounting challenges that public charities and private foundations face, ensuring you receive expert, tailored guidance.

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